My exports are not picking up sub-tree EXPORT_ properties. Emacs: GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7601) of 2013-03-17 on MARVIN Org: Org-mode version 8.2.10 (release_8.2.10-16-g4c37a9
Here's my test file ( #+AUTHOR: Daniel Sinder #+OPTIONS: toc:nil * First Heading - Item 1.a - Item 1.b * Second Heading :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_AUTHOR: E. Maxor Gamode :END: - Item 2.a - Item 2.b When I export the whole file to ASCII, the author is set, as expected, from the AUTHOR option (blank lines removed for brevity): _______________ EXPORT-TEST Daniel Sinder _______________ 1 First Heading =============== - Item 1.a - Item 1.b 2 Second Heading ================ - Item 2.a - Item 2.b When I select just the Second Heading, I then get the following (note, EXPORT_AUTHOR property is not picked up): _______________ EXPORT-TEST Daniel Sinder _______________ 1 Second Heading ================ - Item 2.a - Item 2.b If I disable the loading of my locally installed, bleeding edge org-mode from my init.el, it brings me back to Org-mode version 7.9.3f (release_7.9.3f-17-g7524ef), which is the old export engine (I think). However the sub-tree export at least does what I'd expect in terms of setting the title (from the heading) and author (from the property): Second Heading ============== Author: E. Maxor Gamode Date: 2014-11-12 19:53:00 Pacific Standard Time - Item 2.a - Item 2.b I've verified the same problem for other EXPORT_ properties and other export formats (e.g., html). Is this a bug in the new export engine, or am I doing something wrong? Any suggestions/help would be appreciated. Thanks, Dan