Nick Dokos <> writes:

> "punctuation" in the syntax tables. Look for org-latex-regexps in
> org.el
The line in question is

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
("$" "\\([^$]\\|^\\)\\(\\(\\$\\([^      
\r\n,.$]\\)\\$\\)\\)\\([-       .,?;:'\")\000]\\|$\\)" 2 nil)

It's probably not too hard to see that the culprit is the bunch of
punctuation characters towards the end. Indeed if you change .,?;:'\"
to .,?;:'\"” -- that solves the OPs problem. However, it might be even
better to use a more general syntax, [:punct:], which matches all
punctuation (as we want). So:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
("$" "\\([^$]\\|^\\)\\(\\(\\$\\([^      
\r\n,.$]\\)\\$\\)\\)\\([-       [:punct:]\000]\\|$\\)" 2 nil)

Florian Beck

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