Andreas Leha <> writes:

> Hi Rainer,
> Rainer M Krug <> writes:
>> Andreas Leha <> writes:
>>> Hi Marco,
>>> Marco Wahl <> writes:
>>>> Andreas Leha <> writes:
>>>>> how would I export an org file containing
>>>>>   [[file:./myimage.pdf]]
>>>>> to html so that a say png version myimage.pdf is inlined in the html
>>>>> which links to the pdf?
>>>>> I guess it should be possible to run imagemagick on all pdf links during
>>>>> export somehow.
>>>> You could introduce a relation of the pdf-filenames to the respective
>>>> thumb-filenames e.g. by using the suffix '_thumb'.  Before the export
>>>> the conversion tool would create the thumbs.
>>>> The org-file could reference the data as
>>>> [[file:./myimage.pdf][file:myimage_thumb.png]]
>>>> See the info page (info "(org)Images in HTML export")?
>>>> Untested.  I just accidentially browsed that info page yesterday.
>>> Thanks for your thoughts.  I would like to automate all of that.  So, I
>>> guess the first question is where to put code that would trigger the
>>> conversion and how to best detect links to pdfs.
>> Well - this is coming again and again - but no solution out of the
>> box. There are effectively two approaches:
>> 1) Macro to change properties according to backend used.  
>> One usage is changing the file name extension according to the
>> backend. This is implemented as a simplified macro below. This could
>> be done by using ~(by-backend (html "graph.png") (latex "graph.pdf") (t 
>> "graph.pdf"))~
>> See 
>> [[][work
>>  section ob-doc-LaTeX]] for details.
>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>>   (setq org-babel-latex-htlatex "htlatex")
>>   (defmacro rmk-by-backend (&rest body)
>>     `(case (if (boundp 'backend) (org-export-backend-name backend) nil) 
>> ,@body))
>> #+end_src
>> 2) To use svg image format, which is supported by both (although has
>>    it's drawbacks: slow rendering of the html, need to run external programs 
>> upon compilation)
>> So the first might be the modst feasible option.
> Thanks for this.  I am aware of how to *produce* graphics in different
> formats for different export backends.  I use your first approach,
> which I think is the better solution.

I agree with you.

> Here, I am after a solution, that works on images that are not produced
> but merely included via [[file:./some.pdf]].

OK - understood.

> I think there should be the possibility to include these into html (and
> odt) export without any user interaction.  So, I
> - do not want to write a source block just to produce the by-backend image
> - do not want to change the link manually
> - do not want to run the converter manually

I agree with you - this *should* be possible, and I assume not to
difficult to implement. In my opinion, this should also work out of the
box when enabling it e.g. via a property.

> I am pretty sure this should be achievable with standard orgmode tools
> (like filters, export hooks, or anything).

Yes - it should be.

> Since 'this is coming again and again' it seems a non-esoteric task.
> And as there is 'no solution out of the box', I assume(d) that somebody has
> written these filters already.

Unfortunately  not...



> Regards,
> Andreas

Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
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