Hello, I am used to the export dispatcher offering sections for export to HTML [h] and LaTeX [l].
After having upgraded a number of things on my system (including a small bump of Emacs, but NOT (to my knowledge) org mode), the dispatcher no longer offers the [h] and [l] options ... until I invoke one of the commands via M-x. In other words, M-x org-html-export-to-html causes the [h] section to be available in the dispatcher thereafter. Any ideas what might have caused this change, or what I might do to have the [h] and [l] dispatcher options be available automatically? My versions: (emacs-version) "GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.12.2) of 2014-09-08 on binet, modified by Debian" (org-version) "8.2" Thanks.