John Kitchin <jkitchin <at>> writes:

> Does anyone know a way to get dedicate line numbers in an org code
> block?
> I know how to get buffer code lines, but when we run a code block and
> there is an error, the error line number is relative to line 1 of the
> code block. Currently, we type C-c ' to get a code buffer, and navigate
> to the line. I would like to see code block numbers on the right hand
> side of the buffer, and only inside the code block. Any ideas?

You mean like

   (org-add-hook 'org-src-mode-hook 'linum-mode)

only with line numbers on the right side? (linum puts them on the left)

Or did you mean in the org-mode buffer itself? 

Maybe (just a guess) hack `linum-update-window' to reset `line' to 0 
whenever `(forward-line))'gives you a line that matches `#+begin_src'.



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