Felix Natter <fnat...@gmx.net> writes:

> hi,
> I am working on org-freeplane.el, a fork of org-freemind.el [1].
> [1] FreeMind and Freeplane are mind mapping programs and can thus
> be used to organize tree-structured information like org-mode does.
> Freeplane is a FreeMind fork, org-freeplane.el was necessary because
> users want to use the features of Freeplane.
> Can someone please point me to the code for converting node text to
> HTML in org-mode?

org-freemind is derived from ox-html:

| ;;; Define Back-End
| (org-export-define-derived-backend 'freemind 'html ...)

so if org-freeplane derives from org-freemind, you have all the
html-exporting functionality at your fingertips already, if I'm not


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