On 27/08/14 08:21, Ciaran Mulloy wrote:
> On 27/08/14 03:52, Nick Dokos wrote:
>> Ciaran Mulloy <crmul...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> Hi!
>>> I was fascinated to work through the examples provided in the
>>> org-tutorials sections under Worg and really see the power of using
>>> eLisp as spreadsheet formula: http://orgmode.org/worg/
>>> org-tutorials/org-spreadsheet-lisp-formulas.html
>>> However the use of the mapconcat function always generated an error:
>>> Invalid regex "Regular expression too big", even with only a few
>>> terms in the formula.
>>> The offending formula was:
>>> #+TBLFM: @2$3='(mapconcat 'identity (delete-dups (list @2$1..@>$1
>>> @2$2..@>$2)) " ")
>>> I experimented with variations of the formula getting the same error
>>> every time.
>>> I did a search of the org-mode forum without finding any solution.
>>> Any thoughts?
>> I can't reproduce it - e.g. this
>> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
>> | one | two | three         | four | five |
>> |-----+-----+---------------+------+------|
>> | a   | a   | a b c e f d g |      |      |
>> | a   | b   |               |      |      |
>> | b   | a   |               |      |      |
>> | c   | d   |               |      |      |
>> | e   | f   |               |      |      |
>> | f   | g   |               |      |      |
>> | a   | f   |               |      |      |
>> #+TBLFM: @2$3='(mapconcat 'identity (delete-dups (list @2$1..@>$1
>> @2$2..@>$2)) " ")
>> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
>> works fine for me. This is with more-or-less latest org.
>> Moreover, none of the functions used (mapconcat, identity, delete-dups
>> or list) use regexps at all. There is a chance that regexps are used by
>> the evaluator when building the ranges, but it's unlikely IMO, so the
>> regexp error seems like a red herring to me. How big a table did you
>> try? Did you try restarting emacs and redoing the evaluation? How about
>> starting emacs without any of your customizations and redoing the
>> evaluation? Something like this
>>    emacs -q -l /path/to/minimal/init /path/to/file/with/the/table
>> where the minimal init file just sets load-path if necessary and
>> initializes org.
> Hi Nick,
> Many thanks for your input.
> The table I was trying was the example in the tutorial shown as follows
> (not big) and no hint of a regex!:
> | Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4 | Col5 |
> |------+------+------+------+------|
> | a    | a    | :='(mapconcat 'identity (delete-dups (list @2$1..@>$1
> @2$2..@>$2)) " ") | b    |      |
> | b    | a    |      |      |      |
> | c    | d    |      |      |      |
> #+TBLFM: @2$3='(mapconcat 'identity (delete-dups (list @2$1..@>$1
> @2$2..@>$2)) " ")
> I did as you suggested and ran emacs -q -l ~/.emacs ~/path_to_file and
> got the same result as above:
> org-table-eval-formula: Invalid regexp: "Regular expression too big"
> The .emacs file is blank.
> The version of emacs is GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, ) of
> 2013-07-27 on roseapple, modified by Debian
> Org-mode version 7.9.3f (release_7.9.3f-17-g7524ef @
> /usr/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/org/)
> Using Mint 17 Xfce.
> I don't think I'm doing something silly here but am at a loss to figure
> out the problem.
Further to my earlier posting, tried calculating the table on my PC in
work and it worked!

So I'm a little puzzled at what the differences are.

Configurations as follows:
GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.10.7) of
2014-03-07 on lamiak, modified by Debian
Org-mode version 7.9.3f (release_7.9.3f-17-g7524ef @
Cinnamon Mint 64 bit version 17

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