Nick Dokos <> writes: > Nick Dokos <> writes: > >> Sebastien Vauban <> >> writes: >> >>> Nick Dokos wrote: >>>> Thorsten Jolitz <> writes: >>>>> Thorsten Jolitz <> writes: >>>>> >>>>> As a side-remark, I did send these blocks with emptly lines >>>>> between them, >>>>> and when I look at my post in gmane the format looks alright, however >>>>> when I open it in gnus the empty lines are gone and it looks like >>>>> this: >>>>> >>>>>> * ORG SCRATCH >>>>>> >>>>>> #+BEGIN_QUOTE >>>>>> hallo world >>>>>> #+END_QUOTE >>>>>> #+BEGIN_COMMENT >>>>>> hallo world >>>>>> #+END_COMMENT >>>>>> #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE >>>>>> hallo world >>>>>> #+END_EXAMPLE >>>>>> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp >>>>>> hallo world >>>>>> #+END_SRC >>>>> >>>>> Am I the only one seeing this? Bug in gnus/message mode? >>>> >>>> I see empty lines between the blocks in gnus. >>> >>> I don't see the empty lines, like Thorsten. >>> >> >> ... and on a different machine, I don't see them either. >> Now I have to figure out what's different between them. >> > > One machine is running Gnus v. 5.13: that one smooshes the code > blocks together. > > The other is running Ma Gnus v. 0.12: that one leaves empty > lines between blocks.
Maybe they switched to the new parser between versions, that parses a src-block with :post-blank's, but does not take them into account when interpreting? ,----[ C-h f mm-display-inline-fontify RET ] | mm-display-inline-fontify is a compiled Lisp function in `mm-view.el'. | | (mm-display-inline-fontify HANDLE &optional MODE) | | Insert HANDLE inline fontifying with MODE. | If MODE is not set, try to find mode automatically. `---- is responsable here, and if we would find the place where 'handle' is parsed (I couldn't in reasonable time) we would probably know what is the problem ('handle' is the src-block in this case, 'mode' is 'org'). -- cheers, Thorsten