Dear Hymie,

The customizable variable: 

is used for solving this.



BTW: why do you leave emacs?

>>>>> "hymie!" == hymie!  <> writes:
 > From: hymie! <>
 > To:
 > Subject: [O] clock-in clock-out problems
 > Date: 2014-08-18T17:40:19+0200

 > Greetings.

 > I've discovered a problem with clocking-in and clocking-out.  I think
 > this used to work in the past (when I ran 8.2.7a and/or 8.2.7b), but
 > I've had the same problem twice (both with 8.2.7c) .

 > I have a TODO scheduled for today:
 > * TODO run clamav on machine
 >   SCHEDULED: <2014-08-18 Mon 09:00>

 > I get to work and start it with C-c C-x C-i
 > * TODO run clamav on machine
 >   SCHEDULED: <2014-08-18 Mon 09:00>
 >   CLOCK: [2014-08-18 Mon 08:55]

 > I save the file, exit emacs, and go off to do other things that may or
 > may not include playing larn.  This seems to be the important part
 > (saving and exiting the file, not playing larn).

 > I get back to my desk, run emacs, and try to clock out of the task
 > with C-c C-x C-o.  I get an error "No active clock".  I get this same
 > error whether my cursor is on the "TODO" line or the "CLOCK" line.

 > Now it gets weird.  I try to clock in again with C-c C-x C-i.
 > I get a warning of a "Dangling clock started 60 minutes ago" and
 > I'm asked to "Select a Clock Resolution Command".  So clearly it
 > sees that there is an open clock that needs to be resolved somehow,
 > except C-c C-x C-o still maintains "No active clock."

 > I don't have the self-confidence to ask "How do I file a bug report?"
 > Instead I will ask "What did I do wrong?"

 > --hymie!    

Snow B.V.

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