On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 10:40 PM, Nicolas Goaziou
> I'm just pointing out an ergonomy (or consistency) annoyance in your
> proposal. I'm not thrilled by faking the filling mechanism.

Well, that has nothing to do with consistency (neither with ergonomy,
unless you produce a large scale statistical study on the subject).
First, the proposed change modifies a user function which is not
supposed to be used as debugging tool for the parsing of a document.
For that you have other tools. Second, the modified function still
fills the whole paragraph and does not stop at a \[...\] block. It
just does not scramble the content of such a block.

It's really a matter of opinions: you perceive this as introducing an
"inconsistency". I see this as adapting a function to better suit the
situation. And, given that latex-mode behaves in the same way, I'm for
sure not the only one looking at this in this way.

In any case, I've updated my git repository (less than 24h ago) and
recreated the patch. I've tested it and believe it is working. Why
don't you give it a try. It's not such a disruptive change.


Attachment: 0001-org.el-make-org-paragraph-fill-ignore-.-regions-star.patch
Description: Binary data

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