Hi Joseph,

Joseph Vidal-Rosset <joseph.vidal.ros...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello the list,
> I am sorry to ask a so elementary question but I would be happy to get a
> mean to have, like with CDlatex or like in LaTeX a shortcut to get
> #+BEGIN_my_choice_of_environment
> #+END_my_choice_of_environment
> I know that there is  <s  TAB for source , <l TAB for latex and so on, but
> it would maybe be useful to choice the environment, like with C-e in LateX
> + auctex, or like with C {  with CD latex.
> Help and suggestions are welcome.

Not quite what you are asking for, but have you seen the variable
`org-structure-template-alist'?  It still requires you to add each
completion.  That being said, it probably wouldn't be too hard to
write something like the prompt of cdlatex.


And I faced endless streams of vendor-approved Ikea furniture. . .

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