Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

> Here goes the completeness...
> Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:
>> For completeness, if you're working at the local level (i.e. with
>> `org-element-at-point'), available accessors are
> with `org-element-at-point' or `org-element-context'
>>   - `org-element-type'
>>   - `org-element-property'

Accessor `org-element-contents' is badly missed here ...

E.g. I can get locally the content of a src-block (its :value), but for
most other elements (e.g. paragraph) that is not true. OTOH I cannot
reuse a src-block value as the content of a (locally created) paragraph
because this element has no :value property I could set (and its
interpreter simply inserts 'content', which is unaccessible on local

I know this is *much* easier asked as provided:
can getters and setters for element-content be introduced at the local
level too? maybe via another property shared by all elements (:content
?). The content is probably not even parsed at local level, but anyway,
maybe there is some kind of trick to make it accessible without parsing
the whole buffer?

The only thing that comes to my mind is narrow the buffer to
element-at-point and then parse only this visible buffer part and return
its content. Valid idea?

>> When you're working at the global level (i.e. with
>> `org-element-parse-buffer'), you get another accessor,
>> `org-element-contents',
> In fact, new accessors are
>   - `org-element-contents'
>   - `org-element-map'
>> and some tools to modify the parse tree
>>   - `org-element-put-property'
>>   - `org-element-adopt-element'
>>   - `org-element-insert-before'
>>   - `org-element-extract-element'
>>   - `org-element-set-element'


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