On 07/08/14 20:05, Rasmus wrote:
Alan L Tyree <alanty...@gmail.com> writes:

On 07/08/14 05:52, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
Aloha Rasmus,

Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:


t...@tsdye.com (Thomas S. Dye) writes:

Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

Alan L Tyree <alanty...@gmail.com> writes:

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find it. Is
there an org markup that produces a starred latex heading?

In a book, for example, I want the Preface to be at chapter level, but
not included in the numbering. Same for HTML export, of course.
You would probably need some sort of filter for this.  Most certainly
you will be able to find implementations on this list.

Here's something from my init file that works with LaTeX.  Other
formats such as txt and html are harder since Org generates section
numbers and the TOC.
Thanks for sharing this.  It will be useful for book authors.

Do you think it is possible to write a general headline filter that
takes care of all the various LaTeX possibilities?
I don't like *one* filter to rule them all.  Of course, if it's a
collection of other function calls that is OK.  As your recent
question showed execution order may matter,
(e.g. with :ignoreheading:clearpage:).

Of course it's possible to bundle a couple of filters generally useful
for ox-latex and provide a "consistent" interface.  Alternatively, one
could make a ox-latex+.el that provides a derived class with extra
options. That's may be more work, and may be harder to hack.

In fact Aaron started ox-extra.el, with the intention of providing
"semi-official" extensions but Worg may be a better means of

Right now Iʻm using tags to ignoreheading, clearpage, and newpage.
In addition to your nonum filter, Eric S. has a filter that gets rid
of a heading and promotes the content, which I havenʻt had occasion
to use, but also has its own tag.
Yes, Eric has cool tree-based filter(s).  I want to study them more
carefully.  Quite possibly, it's easier to provide elegant filters
with trees.  For instance, you have direct access to the element
representation.  In my filters I "hack" my way to this using

  From the LaTeX authorʻs point of view, it would be great to have a set
of tags (and options) that "just work."
Would you want this as a derived class or filters?  Perhaps it's
easier to have a derived class with an alternative headline
function. . .

Do you (and others) think the "tag and filter" approach can achieve
this?  Or, are there too many moving parts to make it feasible?

The ox-koma-script interface is basically controlled via tags.  I
think it's nice.
Thanks for this useful overview and the pointers to good examples.

Iʻve been slowly building a set of filters and links that work for me,
but each new project differs a bit from the previous one and I have to
fiddle with the Org mode setup.  Iʻm eager to get to the place Iʻm at
with LaTeX, where I just jump in and start writing.

Thanks again for your help.

All the best,

Thanks to everyone who responded.

Several of my books are out of print and I am converting them to ePub
and to printed form. ePub is pretty smooth by exporting to HTML and
then using Calibre. LaTeX is the obvious choice for print.
Have you seen this project:


I haven't tried it myself, but the process seems similar to what you
are doing only that it uses hevea to convert from tex to html.


Lasciate ogni speranza o voi che entrate: siete nella mani di'machellaio

Thanks, Rasmus. I'll have a look at this and report back. Org -> tex -> HTML would at least solve the unnumbered heading problem (with the use of your filter).

As an additional aside, note that Pandoc Markdown permits the use of a tag to produce an unnumbered heading when exporting to HTML and LaTeX.

# Heading {.unnumbered}

I'm a very inexperienced lisp coder, but it seems to me that this should be incorporated into the basic exporters. The HTML exporter, for example, adds the numbering to each heading. In the loop that accomplishes that, it should be easy to ignore headings with a tag such as your :nonum:. Otherwise, it is necessary to write a filter that not only undoes the numbering for selected headlines, but essentially reproduces the numbering algorithms originally introduced in ox-html.


Alan L Tyree                    http://www2.austlii.edu.au/~alan
Tel:  04 2748 6206              sip:typh...@iptel.org

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