Achim Gratz writes:
> When you install from ELPA, leave load-path alone (remove any
> alterations in respect to Org or any other package installed via ELPA),
> but you must make sure that:
> 1) The original Org installation that comes with Emacs must not be
> loaded in any way when you install from ELPA.  This is most easily done
> by doing the install from "emacs -Q", although you may then need to set
> up package manager in that session.
> 2) After installation, the first thing in your init script should be
> (package-initialize) so that customization of Org variables doesn't
> auto-load the old version that came with Emacs.  You shouldn't require
> anything from Org, but if you still want to, it must be after
> package-initialize.
> Regards,
> Achim.

#1 was at fault. I just deleted my ELPA installation of Org and reinstalled it 
as  decribed by Achim. Now everything's fine.
Thanks, Salome

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