wow found a solution. I dont understand why I have to do that, but it seems firefox fucks up some path or other variables and because of that it doesnt find the standard server socket file so when I explizitly specifiy that in the org-protocol.desktop file, it works:
[Desktop Entry] Name=org-protocol Exec=emacsclient -s /tmp/emacs1000/server %u Type=Application Terminal=false Categories=System; MimeType=x-scheme-handler/org-protocol; I have on suspition what else could be the problem here, I use psd, profile-sync-daemon: so maybe that causes the problems with finding the server file in tmp, on the other hand epiphany doesnt has this problem, and psd is also activated on epiphany, so I am not shure happy that it works with firefox now. Would be nice if somebody could update the site, the gnome instructions are for gnome 2, most people today use gnome 3, so u need such a desktop file and then call this command, u maybe dont need the "-s /tmp/emacs1000/server" part for other setups, but with or without it, both would be better than having nothing, I think with the -s... cant hurt, if u need it or not, in most cases it should work. btw I use i3, so its not only a gnome3 issue, I think even kde uses now this mechanism. When I look at teh kde setup instructions they used a similar desktop file at that time already. So I think thats no standardised with this desktop files.