Aloha Thorsten,

Thorsten Jolitz <> writes:

> (Thomas S. Dye) writes:
> Hi Thomas, 
>> Thorsten Jolitz <> writes:
>>> Hi List, 
>>> with this org file
>>> ,----
>>> | #+name: project-name
>>> | #+header: :exports none
>>> | #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>>> |   (mapconcat
>>> |    'capitalize
>>> |    (split-string
>>> |     (file-name-nondirectory
>>> |      (directory-file-name
>>> |       (file-name-directory
>>> |        (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))))
>>> |     "-" 'OMIT-NULLS)
>>> |    " ")
>>> | #+end_src
>>> | 
>>> | * call_project-name()
>>> | some text
>>> | 
>>> | * Sourcedir
>>> | more text
>>> `----
>>> I get this when exporting to ascii (excerpt):
>>> ,----
>>> | Table of Contents
>>> | _________________
>>> | 
>>> | 1 `Testdir'
>>> | 2 Sourcedir
>>> | 
>>> | 
>>> | 1 `Testdir'
>>> | ===========
>>> | 
>>> |   some text
>>> | 
>>> | 
>>> | 2 Sourcedir
>>> | ===========
>>> | 
>>> |   more text
>>> `----
>>> and this when exporting to latex (excerpt):
>>> ,----
>>> | \section{\texttt{Testdir}}
>>> | \label{sec-1}
>>> | some text
>>> | 
>>> | \section{Sourcedir}
>>> | \label{sec-2}
>>> | more text
>>> `----
>>> How do I achieve that the string returned by the src-block call is
>>> treated just like normal text? 
>>> I tried using (format ...) as well as several :results options, even
>>> (intern ...), but to no avail.
>> Here :results raw achieves what I think you want.
> Unfortunately not, I tried that before, and now again, same outpout as
> shown above. Did it work for you?

I use this a lot in my work, but hadn't tried it in a headline.  I tried
it with the call line in a headline and that works, too.  This subtree
is in a file called

* Jolitz

#+name: project-name
#+header: :exports none :results raw
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
       (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))))
    "-" 'OMIT-NULLS)
   " ")

** call_project-name()[:results raw]

** Impersonal

The LaTeX export looks like this, in part:


% Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode beta_8.3)

Alternatively, you can put :results raw in a header-args property of the
subtree and then just call_project-name().


Thomas S. Dye

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