Sylvain Rousseau <> writes:

> Here is the updated patch and config from my .emacs
>     (when (and (boundp 'org-completion-handler)
>                (require 'helm nil t))
>       (defun org-helm-completion-handler
>           (prompt collection &optional predicate require-match
>                   initial-input hist def inherit-input-method)
>         (helm-comp-read prompt
>                         collection
>                         ;; the character \ is filtered out by default
> ;(
>                         :fc-transformer nil
>                         :test predicate
>                         :must-match require-match
>                         :initial-input initial-input
>                         :history hist
>                         :default def))
>       (setq org-completion-handler 'org-helm-completion-handler))

I finally got around to trying this, thanks very much! It seems to work
well, though you can't actually complete the headline text with C-z or
<right>, as you can with the helm-find-files interface. I'm also not
sure about relying on a patch which changes the org internals so much...

But it does work -- thanks!


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