Thorsten Jolitz <> writes:

> Eric Abrahamsen <> writes:
> Hi
>> I just started using helm, with some ambivalence. Turning on helm mode
>> stompled all over my emacs, but for just that reason I suppose it might
>> be worth trading my ido muscle memory for helm muscle memory.
> helm is truly amazing and impressive, and I did not even scratch the
> surface of it, but 2 things bother me:
> - when using helm, I'm caught in the mini-buffer, no way to switch to
>   another workgroup/buffer to look up things ...
> - helm is somehow too interactive, once done with it, the search/result 
> buffers
>   disappear, while I would like them to stay around sometimes
> So not an answer to you question, but rather a related question -  is
> there a way around the problems described?

As a three-hour-old Helm user, I answer with some trepidation... I've
seen a bunch of helm-session-* stuff, and my guess is, that's what
sessions are for: leaving off helm actions, and coming back to them. I
think it's pretty clear how to come back to them, but as for the
"leaving off"...

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