Understood. Thanks Nick.
Grant Rettke | AAAS, ACM, ASA, FSF, IEEE, SIAM, Sigma Xi
g...@wisdomandwonder.com | http://www.wisdomandwonder.com/
“Wisdom begins in wonder.” --Socrates
((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))
“Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop
taking it seriously.” --Thompson

On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 11:15 PM, Nick Dokos <ndo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Grant Rettke <g...@wisdomandwonder.com> writes:
>> Hi,
>> When I type
>> <s TAB
>> it is expanded into
>> #+END_SRC
>> Is supposed to expand into upper case letters?
>> For some reason, my system won't tangle blocks that are all upper
>> case, instead only all lower case is tangled.
> All the discussion has been about changing the expansion to lower case,
> but that misses the point: why does tangling not work? AFAIK, things
> are supposed to work whether or not source blocks are demarcated with
> upper-, lower-, or mixed-case. So if it's not working for you, it's
> either a bug or it's some problem in your setup. Can you please post
> a minimal example so we can try it out and determine whether it is a
> bug?
> Thanks,
> --
> Nick

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