Ok, so apparently, ox-publish doesn't get loaded after init in my setup; I'm not sure why. What I have done so far is to run the publish script after init using the after-init-hook. However, I feel like this shouldn't be how it's done.
On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 1:42 PM, Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> wrote: > psycho_punch writes: > > I have just upgraded org-mode to the latest available in ELPA. > > According to the official documentation, the installation has to be > > done in fresh emacs session where no org-related scripts/files have > > been loaded. The installation is successful, and org-version reports > > that I have updated to 8.2.6 (from 7.9.3f). However, as soon as I put > > back my old org-related scripts, and reload emacs, I'd get 7.9.3f when > > I run org-version. To track what's causing it I retrace my steps by > > adding my org-related scripts one by one. I found out that when I add > > back (require 'org-publish), the version downgrades to the built-in > > one. I don't know why this is happening. > > You need to replace this with (require 'ox-publish). As to why this is > happening, you're sending Emacs down the wrong rabbit hole to search for > Org and the autoload stuff will do the rest. > > > Regards, > Achim. > -- > +<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+ > > Wavetables for the Terratec KOMPLEXER: > http://Synth.Stromeko.net/Downloads.html#KomplexerWaves > > >