On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 09:29:44AM -0400, Rick Frankel wrote:
> The begin/end src lines are just that, markers to show where the org
> source starts and end. What you have formatted is a source code
> listing, not the source code.

If you're giving an example of org buffer contents, #+BEGIN_SRC and #+END_SRC 
are probably not the best delimiters to use to set off your
example, since they're valid org markup.

Anyway, it turns out some options I had enabled were preventing the 
superscript/subscript markup from being recognized. I had this

#+OPTIONS:   H:5 \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil -:t f:t *:t <:t

at the top of the buffer. Removing that line seems to get me proper HTML markup.


Peter Davis
The Tech Curmudgeon

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