Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.6) Scenario: Launch emacs. Open file in org-mode. Convert to html once - no problem.
Repeat the conversion. Messages buffer shows Saving file /files/poker/nlhe.html... Wrote /files/poker/nlhe.html (lambda (foo) ...) quoted with ' rather than with #' Loading `psgml': old-style backquotes detected! Eager macro-expansion failure: (invalid-function (\` (cons (cons ((\, token)) ((\, node))) ((\, set))))) [2 times] Eager macro-expansion failure: (invalid-function (\` (null (sgml-state-reqs ((\, s)))))) Compiler-macro error for cl--block-wrapper: (invalid-function (\` (null (sgml-state-reqs ((\, s)))))) Eager macro-expansion failure: (invalid-function (\` (null (sgml-state-reqs ((\, s)))))) [2 times] Compiler-macro error for cl--block-wrapper: (invalid-function (\` (null (sgml-state-reqs ((\, s)))))) Eager macro-expansion failure: (invalid-function (\` (null (sgml-state-reqs ((\, s)))))) Eager macro-expansion failure: (invalid-function (\` (defmacro ((\, (intern (format "sgml-eltype-%s" n)))) (et) (list (quote get) et (quote (quote ((\, n)))))))) Loading `psgml-parse': old-style backquotes detected! cons: Invalid function: (\` (defmacro ((\, (intern (format "sgml-eltype-%s" n)))) (et) (list (quote get) et (quote (quote ((\, n))))))) byte-code: Beginning of buffer [3 times] byte-code: Beginning of buffer I have been using sgml-mode for a number of years which uses psgml-parse. Not sure if that is related or not? Any suggestions please? TiA -- Dave Pawson XSLT XSL-FO FAQ. Docbook FAQ. http://www.dpawson.co.uk