Thanks for your help, Alex.

The backslashes do get the string to evaluate correctly (now the value of 
org-stuck-projects is indeed set to what you’d think it would be set to, where 
the first element is a string), but this does not yield the right output — C-c 
# still yields no output, and I do know there are projects I define as 
unfinished in the relevant file.

When I crop out the +FILE=… part of the string, I get the output I’m expecting, 
so I’m pretty sure my problem is with the syntax of the FILE selector.

Boyan Penkov

On May 16, 2014, at 5:10 PM, Alexander Baier <> 

> On 2014-05-16 22:12 Boyan Penkov wrote:
>> (setq org-stuck-projects
>>      ‘(“+FILE="~/todos/"+LEVEL=1" ("NEXT" "TODO") nil "”))
> I have never used this feature, but this first element look odd to
> me. I would try this: “+FILE=\"~/todos/\"+LEVEL=1".
> HTH,
> -- 
> Alexander Baier

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