> > It seems safer/efficient to focus on making modular documentation that > is the definitive *best*/*right* way (and *best* explained) to do > something, and then to link to that prolifically. >
Your points are very valid and expressed convincingly. Writing this document was a result of, first and foremost, a personal urge to write it, and secondly, in view of very specific use cases (my graduate students, to whom I wanted to provide a one-stop shop, before they explore rest of the stuff). That said, your arguments that it is not optimal to include such a document as part of documentation on orgmode.org is perhaps right. I can see that maintaining modular non-repetitive content is easier. Long-term maintenance of documentation should be an important concern for something that is under heavy development. Unless others feel differently, I would let the document float around the cyberspace, on my personal website and on github, for anyone to discover and use. Thanks for your very reasonable comments. Vikas