Hi Anders, 2014ko martxoak 25an, Anders Johansson-ek idatzi zuen: > > (I continue in the same thread as this is related) > > org-entities has: ("slash" "/" nil "/" "/" "/" "/") > > A LaTeX user entering \slash would probably expect to have this exported > as \slash (which produces a breaking "/", not the same thing as just > entering "/" in LaTeX). > > So it should rather be: ("slash" "\\slash" nil "/" "/" "/" "/") > > Could this be changed without breaking people's documents?
It’s important for LaTeX users to have a way to write “/” into the output – sometimes it might not possible to use a literal “/” in org, because of the /emphasis/ markup. It seems to me (as a user of both latex and html export) that most of the time I want “/” in the output, regardless of backend. Maybe (org’s) \slash should retain its meaning, and there should be a new entity which obeys your proposal. It also seems like \slash in latex has some odd properties wrt. hyphenation: <https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/97310/slash-allows-for-hyphenation-of-only-the-word-on-its-left-how-to-fix-it-for-th>. So maybe latex power users would rather write something more complicated using the @@latex:\slash\hspace{0pt}@@ syntax. Thanks, -- Aaron Ecay