One week ago I installed org-drill using the last version of org-mode
(tarball version) and everythings were fine.
A few days later I tried to install it using elpa (since it's easier to be
update). But after installation I was getting this error:

Making completion list...
Collecting due drill items:   0 |.......................................
Creating unique IDs for items (slow, but only happens once)
mapcar: Wrong type argument: listp, \.\.\.

After a lot o tries to solve this problem I decided to back to old approach
and using the  tarball version. I added this package to the load path and
as you are seeing bellow this package is shadowed the default version of

~/.emacs.d/thirdparty/org/lisp/org-bibtex hides
~/.emacs.d/thirdparty/org/lisp/org-capture hides
~/.emacs.d/thirdparty/org/lisp/ob-io hides

Since I downloaded the tarball named org-8.2.5h.tar.gz I suppose executing
M-x org-version I have to get version 8.2.5 of org-mode, but this is what
I'm getting:

Org-mode version 7.9.3f (release_7.9.3f-17-g7524ef @

I'll be happy if someone help me to solve this problem. org-drill is
awesome and I really need it.


*Shahin Azad!*
My personal *blog*:
I like to keep it respectful with *OpenRespect* (

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