Here's my clockreport setup:

'(org-agenda-clockreport-parameter-plist (quote (:link t :maxlevel 3
:formula "$9=$2-$6;t::$8=$2-$5;t::$7=$2-$4;t" :properties (\

portion of table output follows (as you can see my effort estimates are
sporadic, and vary in level

What I'd like to do, but can't seem to find the proper syntax for, is use a
conditional assignment so that
when there is no Effort value only a blank, or "***", or similar is in the
destination cell.
SImilarly, when there is no value in one of the time sub-columns the
corresponding cell is left blank

instead of
|              |   0:15 | \_____ DONE <2014-02-12 Wed> email to david...  |
        |       |  0:10 |   0.25 |   0.25 |   0.08 |
I"d like to see:
|              |   0:15 | \_____ DONE <2014-02-12 Wed> email to david...  |
        |       |  0:10 |          |          |   0.08 |
And instead of
|              |        | \__ Todos                                       |
        |  0:45 |       |   0.00 |  -0.75 |   0.00 |
I'd like to see

|              |        | \__ Todos                                       |
        |  0:45 |       |   ****  | *****   |  ****   |

I have searched mightily and can't seem to find any syntax that will work
in my table.
Any ideas or help will be much appreciated!

And, while I'm on the topic, is there anyway way to get a column in the
clocktable to display the sum of all
Effort estimates for it's displayed subtrees?  IE like this:
|              | 0:45 | JWRK PPTDEV-389 VBA macros                      |
30:55 |       |       | -30.92 |   0.00 |   0.00 |  <---- this is sum of
the two efforts below
|              |        | \__ Notes                                       |
        | 30:10 |       |   0.00 | -30.17 |   0.00 |
|              |        | \_____ NOTES Directions to Estimate Redbox...   |
        |       | 30:10 |   0.00 |   0.00 | -30.17 |
|              |        | \__ Todos                                       |
        |  0:45 |       |   0.00 |  -0.75 |   0.00 |
|              |   0:15 | \_____ DONE <2014-02-12 Wed> email to david...  |
        |       |  0:10 |   0.25 |   0.25 |   0.08 |
|              |        | \_____ DONE <2014-02-12 Wed> update...          |
        |       |  0:25 |   0.00 |   0.00 |  -0.42 |
|              |   0:30 | \_____ DONE <2014-02-12 Wed> change...          |
        |       |  0:10 |   0.50 |   0.50 |   0.33 |

| File         | Effort | Headline                                        |
   Time |       |       |        |        |        |
|              |    ALL | *Total time*                                    |
*38:28* |       |       | -38.47 |   0.00 |   0.00 |
| |        | *File time*                                     |
*38:28* |       |       | -38.47 |   0.00 |   0.00 |
|              |        | RECURING PPTDEV-514 Miscellaneous               |
   3:12 |       |       |  -3.20 |   0.00 |   0.00 |
|              |        | \__ W07 email, morning                          |
        |  3:12 |       |   0.00 |  -3.20 |   0.00 |
|              |        | RECURING PPTDEV-513 smt 2014 Meetings           |
   2:38 |       |       |  -2.63 |   0.00 |   0.00 |
|              |   0:45 | \__ DONE <2014-02-18 Tue> meeting w/Miriam      |
        |  0:40 |       |   0.75 |   0.08 |   0.75 |
|              |        | \__ Standup                                     |
        |  1:12 |       |   0.00 |  -1.20 |   0.00 |
|              |        | \__ pers. meeting w/steve re:floats, time...    |
        |  0:46 |       |   0.00 |  -0.77 |   0.00 |
|              |        | JWRK PPTDEV-318 HVE Industry - Feed...          |
   1:43 |       |       |  -1.72 |   0.00 |   0.00 |
|              |    0.5 | \__ SPEC redo spec with RDE                     |
        |  0:42 |       |   0.00 |  -0.70 |   0.00 |
|              |   0:30 | \_____ TODO setup coding evironment & review... |
        |       |  0:42 |   0.50 |   0.50 |  -0.20 |
|              |        | \__ TODO Modify...                              |
        |  1:01 |       |   0.00 |  -1.02 |   0.00 |
|              |    4.5 | \_____ NOTES developement notes from Rob        |
        |       |  1:01 |   0.00 |   0.00 |  -1.02 |
|              |        | JWRK PPTDEV-389 VBA macros                      |
  30:55 |       |       | -30.92 |   0.00 |   0.00 |
|              |        | \__ Notes                                       |
        | 30:10 |       |   0.00 | -30.17 |   0.00 |
|              |        | \_____ NOTES Directions to Estimate Redbox...   |
        |       | 30:10 |   0.00 |   0.00 | -30.17 |
|              |        | \__ Todos                                       |
        |  0:45 |       |   0.00 |  -0.75 |   0.00 |
|              |   0:15 | \_____ DONE <2014-02-12 Wed> email to david...  |
        |       |  0:10 |   0.25 |   0.25 |   0.08 |
|              |        | \_____ DONE <2014-02-12 Wed> update...          |
        |       |  0:25 |   0.00 |   0.00 |  -0.42 |
|              |   0:30 | \_____ DONE <2014-02-12 Wed> change...          |
        |       |  0:10 |   0.50 |   0.50 |   0.33

Subhan Michael Tindall | Software Developer

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