today I tried to setup iCal-Export of one org file contributing to my
agenda. As I use Mozilla Sunbird (resp. Iceowl) to keep track of my
company dates synchronizing with a remote ical file, it seemed to be a
good idea to have also my org dates available in Iceowl.
While importing and viewing one of my org files, I do get strange results:
+ I only see dates from DONE-entries
+ There might be e.g. an entry in the ical file/Iceowl dated to
09:57, 2nd of December 2013
+ The body of the calendar entry in ical file/Iceowl contains:
• State "DONE" from "TODO" [2013-12-02 Mo 09:57] meaning
the entry is dated to the date and time I set the entry to "DONE"
+ I do not see any active TODO-entries at all
I tried the export using the default values of the export function (C-c
C-e c f) described in <http://orgmode.org/manual/iCalendar-export.html>
I then set (org-icalendar-store-UID t) thinking it had something to do
with it.
After some googling without any definite results I I scanned the
org-icaendar-group an set some further variables. My setup now looks as
(org-combined-agenda-icalendar-file "~/ical/org.ics")
(org-icalendar-categories (quote (todo-state)))
(org-icalendar-include-todo t)
(org-icalendar-store-UID t)
(org-icalendar-use-plain-timestamp nil)
My org-mode-version is 8.2.4 with Emacs 24.3.1
Can anyone provide a hint, what am I doing wrong?
Best Regards
| G. Martin Butz, m...@mkblog.org, 0421 98749324, www.mkblog.org |