I have conceived of an idea that I want to build into the ORG framework. The problem I am trying to solve: I have a variety of links that I use on a regular basis. I am wanting to be able to invoke a link generation command that will store them in a bookmarks.org file (or it could be a user defined file). However, searching them isn't always easy and I want to be able to publish them as a resource for a group of users. I can search them easy enough in org but others can't.
Idea I have: It would be interesting to have org, or maybe it would have to be an external function, that would go through a file or set of files(user defined list?) (work, group @ work, home) and generate a main bookmark page (in the example, one for work, one for group @ work, and one for home) that links to a file that is named for that tag and contains an html file of each link that contains that tag. This could cause some things too appear in more than one file, for example, something might appear in CIFS and performance but it's related to each topic. This could be manually triggered or scheduled for updating and publishing out to a web server. I am thinking that we would have a user defined file list in the configuration, would need to go find all the unique tags in each file and make the launch page for each file by generating relative links to the sub pages, the collect the list of links for each tag generating the sub page. Thinking it would be best to generate these in .org format and then publish them out in html to a user defined location. Thoughts on this? Is this already done? I know some parts of it are already present and I just need to make glue for those parts. I think the part that will need to be constructed outside of the glue is the sorting and generation of separate files