Hi everyone,

I use the latest version of org-mode (from github) and I update it daily.
I noticed some changes recently in org-babel (ob-R).

Here's a sample code to explain the problem :

#+TITLE: Test export
#+AUTHOR: Ahmadou H. DICKO
#+PROPERTY: session *R*
#+PROPERTY: cache yes
#+PROPERTY: exports both
#+PROPERTY: tangle yes
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil

* Minimal example
 This works quite well
#+begin_src R :exports both :results output
mtcars[1:2, 1:2]

I just want the output without code but I have this
 'bf7c7b2c131fcf88c89639d10326a972f0ff25' before the code
#+begin_src R :exports results :results output
mtcars[1:2, 1:2]

I use emacs 24.3.1, org-version 8.2.5f (updated this morning) and R 3.0.2
You can find attached the sample code and output, if you have something
different please let me know.

Thanks for your help.

Ahmadou H. DICKO
statistician economist (Ingénieur Statisticien Économiste)
PhD candidate in Climate change economics
Faculty of economics and managment - Cheikh Anta Diop University
West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adaptated Land
Center for Development Research (ZEF) - University of Bonn
email : ahmadou.di...@ucad.edu.sn
twitter : @dickoah
github : github/dickoa <https://github.com/dickoa>
tel : +221 33 827 55 16
portable: +221 77 123 81 69
Title: Test export

Test export

1 Minimal example

1.1 with exports both

mtcars[1:2, 1:2]
              mpg cyl
Mazda RX4      21   6
Mazda RX4 Wag  21   6

1.2 with exports results only


              mpg cyl
Mazda RX4      21   6
Mazda RX4 Wag  21   6

Author: Ahmadou H. DICKO

Created: 2014-01-17 Fri 16:33

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.5f)


Attachment: example.org
Description: Binary data

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