Hi, I'm trying to save the result of "M-x debbugs-org" into a file (this is a TODO list). For further handling, also some buffer local variables must survive. Therefore, I append at the very end of that file something like this:
* Local Variables ** Local Variables: ** eval: (debbugs-org-mode 1) ** debbugs-org-ids: (1 2 3) ** End: This has the nice effect, that those variables do not disturb in overview mode, because they look like * Local Variables... Being invisible would be even better, but so what. Unfortunately, the value of debbugs-org-ids could be very loooong, exceeding the 3000 chars limit the "Local Variables:" section size is allowed to be in Emacs. So I must rearrange things like this: * Local Variables ** debbugs-org-ids: (1 2 3) ** Local Variables: ** eval: (debbugs-org-mode 1) ** debbugs-org-ids: (access-the-value-above) ** End: Is there some functionality in org I could use implementing `access-the-value-above'? It is org structure, so I'm hoping there is an easy way to access a given node with a well defined position. Or maybe there is already a clever way storing local variables in an org file, which I'm not aware of. Thanks, and best regards, Michael.