Renato <> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm learning emacs (as you probabily know :-)).
> I have:
> - one pc at home (linux Debian)
> - one at work (windows)
> I would like to use the same configuration.
> Now, I have my .org file on the cloud (so I can access it from anywhere)
> But I'm  starting to edit also the config file:
> on Win it is:
> init.el
> on linux is
> emacs

on linux, the init file should be named ".emacs" (note the dot in front)
and it should reside in your home directory. 

> so...How can I have a centralized instalation of emacs? Or, better: Is
> it possible?

One possibility is to call it "init.el"  on linux as well, but create
a ".emacs" symbolic link to it:

  ln -s init.el .emacs
There are many other ways, but the symlink is probably the simplest.


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