excellent, that is exactly where I would have expected it, in the
documentation for org-entry-put.

it would also make sense to say in org-entry-get that you get a string. if
you store a number in a property, it is not obvious you can't just get it
and do math on it.



John Kitchin
Associate Professor
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 5:31 AM, Bastien <b...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> writes:
> > Bastien writes:
> >>> 3. It also wasn't obvious that you have to give org-entry-put a
> >>> string. If you try to set it to an integer, you get strange control
> >>> characters like ^A or ^C.
> >>
> >> Can you tell which place in the documentation you expect to find this
> >> information?  In functions' docstrings or in the manual?
> >
> > Besides documenting the requirement, I guess it makes sense to check for
> > stringiness before using the argument.
> Indeed, done here:
> http://orgmode.org/cgit.cgi/org-mode.git/commit/?id=9758f2
> --
>  Bastien

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