Hello, yes, that might help. Org-file =references.org= is a list of bibliographic references. Each entry is actually an item in a description list, like so
#+BEGIN_SRC - <<HASH1962>> [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0022-5096(62)90004-2][Hashinand Shtrikman (1962)]] :: Z. Hashin and S. Shtrikman, /On some variational principles in anisotropic and nonhomogeneous elasticity/, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 10(4):335-342, 1962 #+END_SRC Then, in other org files, I'd like to refer to one of the items in the list. For example, I would like to write something like Using the energy principle of Hashin and Shtrikman (1962), an upper bound on the elastic moduli can be derived. Once exported to html, I would like the text 'Hashin [...] (1962)' to be a hyperlink which should point to references.html#HASH1962. Do you need more details? How can I achieve that result? Sébastien 2013/12/30 Nicolas Goaziou <n.goaz...@gmail.com> > Hello, > > Sébastien Brisard <sebastien.bris...@m4x.org> writes: > > > Correction: CUSTOM_ID does not seem to work with description lists (it > > seems it only works with headings, *, **, ***, ...). > > It would be useful to know what you wrote in your Org file, what the > output is, and what you expected. > > > Regards, > > -- > Nicolas Goaziou >