Hello everyone, This is an email of a newbie in org-mode . I would be very happy to use org-mode in order to be able to write text of papers easily convertible to latex files, html files, odt files, and beamer files as well. It seems to me that org-mode offers a powerful exporting tool in these differents file formats.
Unfortunately, habits taken in writing paper in latex formats are not so easy to give up and I meet difficultie in this migration. I mention here my more obvious difficulties and I will be thankfull for your help , if these difficulties have solutions. The first difficulty is in the key binding C-e . With emacs for latex the command C-e gives the choice of environnment , and it is replaced in org-mode by CD-Latex and C-c { ; therefore, I agree, it would not be a real problem. But, second problem the highliting syntax of latex disappears in org-mode. A solution has been given by Eric S Fraga in this message: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2011-03/msg01898.html It works fine. But I wonder if there is a key binding to get first the void block in one command line : #+begin_src latex :exports results :results latex #+end_src in order to use after CD-Latex inside this org-mode block Every good and easy solution to write papers in org-mode format instead of latex format in order to get easy exports will be welcome. To everyone, a very nice end of year ! Best wishes, Jo.