
Bowen Li wrote:
> I just naively modified org-fontify-drawers to fontify org babel inline src
> block. The result looks reasonable to me. I put these two functions in a
> src block in my org file and executed it, then refreshed display with M-x
> org-mode.
> (defun org-fontify-inline-src-block (limit)
>   "Fontify inline source block."
>   (when (re-search-forward org-babel-inline-src-block-regexp limit t)
>     (add-text-properties
>      *(match-beginning 1*) (match-end 0)
>      '(font-lock-fontified t face (t (:foreground "#008ED1" :background
> "#FFFFEA"))))
>     (org-remove-flyspell-overlays-in (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
>     t))
> (defun org-set-font-lock-defaults ()
> ......
>    ;; Drawers
>    '(org-fontify-drawers)
>  *  ;; Inline source block*
> *   '(org-fontify-inline-src-block)*

I may have missed obvious things, but I don't understand which problem
you are trying to resolve. Could you elaborate, please?

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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