Hi, I just converted a 150 page document I used to convert to odt with the old exporter. Following problems occurred:
1. table with #+CAPTION If the caption contains formatting (~, ==, _, ^), the exporter produces an invalid content.xml. minimal example: ---8<------------------------------------------------------------ #+OPTIONS: num:t toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t <:nil * First paragraph #+CAPTION: A_{1}^{2} | head 1 | head2 | |-----------+----------| | content 1 | content2 | ---8<------------------------------------------------------------ The problem can be seen in the following xml fragment: ---8<------------------------------------------------------------ <table:table table:style-name="OrgTable" table:name="A<text:span text:style-name="OrgSubscript">1</text:span><text:span text:style-name="OrgSuperscript">2</text:span>"> ---8<------------------------------------------------------------ The table:name attribute ends prematurely at the "OrgSubscript". This could probably be mended by using single quotes for these attributes inside attributes. 2. again #+CAPTION if the caption contains a string with /escaped/ underlines (please note the #+OPTION ^:t) ---8<------------------------------------------------------------ #+OPTIONS: num:t toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:nil * First paragraph #+CAPTION: YYYYMMDD\_hhmmss.csv. | head 1 | head2 | |-----------+----------| | content 1 | content2 | ---8<------------------------------------------------------------ The escaped _ is not detected; instead, a literal \ and subscript are detected, and teh document is invalid as above. This escaping seems not to be mentioned in the documentation, probably because it is no longer valid. Might be of interest to people who want to convert old documents. 3. the \ref syntax seems not to work anymore; substituting by \ref{text} by [[text]] worked. 4. Empty lines between #+NAME and the respective table are no longer tolerated remarks: I like the new smart quotes. More comfortable than putting in the utf characters via C-8-RET (which is handy, though, for simple formulae). Regards Martin -- Dr. Martin Gürtler Phone: +49-341-2254303 Mobile: +49-1578-4469069