On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Vikas Rawal <
vikasli...@agrarianresearch.org> wrote:

> Nicolas,
> Special blocks seem to work very well, actually. Thank you.
On further exploration, there seems to be a problem.

As you can see in the example below, \end{table} is wrongly placed.
tablenotes and \end{threeparttable} should come before \end{table} and not
after. Since special blocks are wrapping around the table, this is creating
a problem.

My org syntax;

#+NAME: gharsondi-yield
#+CAPTION: Average yields of selected crops in Gharsondi, Gwalior, Madhya
Pradesh and India, 2007-08 (kilograms per acre)
#+RESULTS: gharsondi-yield-in
| Crop      | Gharsondi | Gwalior | Madhya Pradesh | India |
| Soybean   |       nil |     689 |            442 |   500 |
| Paddy     |      1553 |     866 |            569 |  1337 |
| Urad      |        53 |     142 |            142 |   192 |
| Sesame    |       101 |     127 |            153 |   170 |
| Wheat     |       824 |     664 |            652 |  1134 |
| Chick pea |       462 |     445 |            288 |   308 |
| Rapeseed  |       501 |     280 |            375 |   405 |
\item [] \footnotesize{Note: Yield of rice Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh and
India were converted to paddy equivalents.}
\item [] \footnotesize{Source: Data for Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh and
India taken from the website Directorate of Economics and Statistics,
Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India}

When exported, this creates the following in the .tex file.

\caption{\label{gharsondi-yield}Average yields of selected crops in
Gharsondi, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh and India, 2007-08 (kilograms per acre)}
Crop & Gharsondi & Gwalior & Madhya Pradesh & India\\
Soybean & nil & 689 & 442 & 500\\
Paddy & 1553 & 866 & 569 & 1337\\
Urad & 53 & 142 & 142 & 192\\
Sesame & 101 & 127 & 153 & 170\\
Wheat & 824 & 664 & 652 & 1134\\
Chick pea & 462 & 445 & 288 & 308\\
Rapeseed & 501 & 280 & 375 & 405\\
\item [] \footnotesize\{Note: Yield of rice Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh and
India were converted to paddy equivalents.\}
\item [] \footnotesize\{Source: Data for Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh and
India taken from the website Directorate of Economics and Statistics,
Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India\}


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