> elisp:customize


> should also work as a link, even without the brackets. 

> [...] so the question

> is why it does not work for you.

It does work, I was wrong. 

That is, `elisp:customize` does in fact work for me. 

Not sure if I should start a new thread for the following. 


synopsis: want (clickable) customize to open in a new frame  


I am currently having most of my links open in a new frame, a la

 '(org-link-frame-setup (quote ((vm . vm-visit-folder-other-frame) (vm-
imap . vm-visit-imap-folder-other-frame) (gnus . org-gnus-no-new-news) 
(file . find-file-other-frame) (wl . wl-other-frame))))

I have tried to get my link to customize to open in a new frame, but do not 
know how to code, in particular in Emacs Lisp. 

I have considered the following elements that may play a role in a 
solution, but am not sure how to combine them, or what else to look for. 

I've considered the elisp manual, and looked at lists, macros, functions, 
in-line functions, creating frames, input focus and lamda calculus. 

This is probably my most complex attempt:

  [[elisp:(make-frame after-make-frame customize)]]

But it does not work. 






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