Oop, I didn't know that I replied to Nicolas instead of to the list because I
hitted "reply" instead of "reply all". So I'm reposting my previous post to the
list. Here we go:

In my previous post I actually meant to say that I set `debug-on-quit', have no
idea why I did `debug-on-error'. But anyways, I'm now pretty sure it was commit
"5ea0228" that causes problem because the moment I deleted the last two lines in
(define-derived-mode org-mode outline-mode "Org") everything worked fine.
Demonstrated below:

(define-derived-mode org-mode outline-mode "Org"
  ;; Delete these two lines and everything worked.
   (report-errors "File local-variables error: %s"

Also, I figured out that it was my major mode that derived from `org-mode'
didn't work, and the buffer showed in org-mode, instead of my derived mode. But
my mode is as simple as:

(define-derived-mode yhj-mode org-mode "yhj"

With some special key bindings specific to my file that is opened in `yhj-mode'.

By the way, I had toggled `debug-on-quit', but made no difference when I hit



On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Thomas S. Dye <t...@tsdye.com> wrote:
> Nick Dokos <ndo...@gmail.com> writes:
>> It may be that hack-local-variables takes a long time to process a large
>> file, although I don't think so: iirc, it limits itself to a tail of the
>> file of a given size, or the last "page" of the file (demarcated by ^L),
>> whichever is smaller.
> Hi Nick,
> I haven't noticed any slowdown or hangs since hack-local-variables was
> introduced.
> I have noticed that I need to answer the query about loading file local
> variables twice:
> Please type y, n, or !, or C-v to scroll: y [2 times]
> The first y has no apparent effect (except to make the second y
> effective).
> hth,
> Tom
> --
> Thomas S. Dye
> http://www.tsdye.com

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