Hi Rasmus,

On Fri, Nov 08, 2013 at 09:13:50PM +0100, Rasmus Rempling wrote:
> I have a question about latex export option and its customization.
> If I browse the org export latex group directly after opening emacs and a
> .org file the list only give Option Org Export and it looks like this


> However, if I do one latex export, a group of Option Org Latex Classes is
> added to the list, then the list looks like this:
>     | [-]-\ Group Org Export LaTeX
>     |  |  |--- Option Org Latex Default Packages Alist
>     |  |  |--- Option Org Latex Packages Alist
>     |  |  |--- Option Org Export With Tex Macros
>     |  |  |--- Option Org Export With Latex Fragments
>     |  |  |--- Option Org Export Latex Default Class
>     |  |  |--- Option Org Export Latex Classes

I believe this comes from the Org shipped with your version of Emacs.
What is your Emacs version?  What does org-version tell you *before* you
load Org or open an .org file?  I bet it is 7.xx or older.

>     |  | [+]-- Group Org Export LaTeX
>     |  |  |--- Option Org Latex To Pdf Process
>     |  |  |--- Option Org Latex Default Class
>     |  |  |--- Option Org Latex Classes

This is the variable you should customise.

> My questions are:
> Do you get the same behaviour?
> I have not been able to deduce the reason for this behaviour, ?
> If I want to add a class should I do this in the (Option Org Export Latex
> Classes) or in (Option Org Latex Classes) or in both?

For more details, see here: <http://orgmode.org/worg/org-8.0.html>

Hope this helps,


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