tl,dr: Created a new plugin to support org-syntax for Nikola.
Attached patch for worg page update.


I haven't been using org-mode very heavily for the past couple of
years, but intend to get back to using it, atleast for "writing".

I have been using Nikola (Python based static site generator) for one
of the sites I maintain and found it pretty nice.  It has quite a few
features that I was looking for in static-site generators.  I
particularly like the feature of publishing (building/deploying) only
those posts/files which have changed since the previous publish. It
shouldn't be too hard to implement, and I could've added something to
o-blog, but I didn't want the responsibility of maintaining another
piece of code! [Those who use/tried org2blog know what I mean.]

Anyway, I've written a few lines of code to add support for an
emacs/orgmode based "compiler" for Nikola and have migrated my old
blog from o-blog to Nikola.  Some of you may be interested to try it.
It may be also useful to add a link to worg.  I have attached a patch
for the same, since I don't have write access to it.


PS:  The plugin is here - and my
blog is here -

Attachment: 0001-Add-link-to-Nikola-plugin-for-blogging.patch
Description: Binary data

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