Dnia 2013-09-25, o godz. 12:53:18
Thorsten Jolitz <tjol...@gmail.com> napisaƂ(a):

> > One possible remaining option would be to introduce user variables
> > org-BACKEND-format-property-drawer-function in analogy
> > org-BACKEND-format-drawer-function.  This would provide an easy way
> > to configure export of the property drawer as a whole, in a way
> > that could be file-local.
> >
> > I would like to have this option
> +1
> property drawers are just too useful to restrict them to Org-mode's 
> internal meta-data, and anything that makes it easier to export them
> when used for 'use case' related meta-data or as simple DB is
> welcome. 

I hardly ever use export, but: AFAIR, properties can be used to provide
data for the spreadsheet.  Exporting with them would be very useful for
educational material (my use case: loan payment table with data like
interest rate etc. in properties).


Marcin Borkowski
Adam Mickiewicz University

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