The footnote section in my HTML-export doc has the footnote number separated from the footnote text by a blank line. See for the document.
Here's an example of what it looks like: ==BEGIN EXAMPLE== [TEXT:] The term "Agreement-Related"[9] refers to something – for example, a dispute – that arises out of or relates to any of the following: [remainder of section omitted] [FOOTNOTES:] [9] Agreement-Related definition: This defined term is available for use in, for example, attorneys' fees clauses, limitations of liability, and the like. ==END EXAMPLE== DETAILS: Org version 8.2-4 (version 20130923) on Mac OS X Mountain Lion. I upgraded to 8.2-4 by uninstalling and reinstalling Emacs after encountering the ELPA bug (see Relevant portion of my .emacs file: '(org-footnote-section nil) '(org-html-footnote-format "[%s]") In the .org file itself: #+STARTUP: nofnadjust indent showstars QUESTION: Is this a bug in the code, or a PICNIC problem ( -- D . C. Toedt III (my last name is pronounced "Tate") Attorney and arbitrator -- contracts and intellectual property LinkedIn: dctoedt Calendar (redacted) O: +1 (713) 364-6545 C: +1 (713) 516-8968 Houston, Texas (Central time zone) B log: On Book project: Common Draft encyclopedic dictionary of contract clauses Unless expressly stated otherwise, this message is not intended to serve as an electronic signature nor as assent to an agreement.