Hi Ken,

So in short I think the easiest course of action is upgrading to the
newest release, e.g. using ELPA (M-x list-packages).

"Williams, Ken" <ken.willi...@windlogics.com> writes:

> I have a small orgmode document with a \begin{align} section for a few
> equations.  I can successfully export to HTML using MathJax, but I
> need a nice little self-contained document, so I'm trying to use
> dvipng.  Unfortunately it keeps exporting with MathJax.

I cannot reproduce using emacs -q.

Does it work as expected when you try from emacs -q?

Are you using the new exporter?  It's named ox now, but it might be
org-export in your version.  In v8 you'd need to require ox-html.

Have you tried your document with v8?

> Here's my document:
> =========================================
> #+TITLE: Test Doc
> #+AUTHOR: Ken Williams
> #+PROPERTY: results output
> #+PROPERTY: exports both
> #+OPTIONS: tex:dvipng
> Some math:
> \begin{align}
> a_{11}& =b_{11}&
> a_{12}& =b_{12}\\
> a_{21}& =b_{21}&
> a_{22}& =b_{22}+c_{22}
> \end{align}
> =========================================
> The value of my "org-latex-create-formula-image-program" variable is
> dvipng - I set it manually from within the editor by doing
> "set-variable org-latex-create-formula-image-program dvipng".

Do you have dvipng installed?  I install it via texlive, e.g.

   tlmgr install dvipng

> Any hints?  There are no clues in the *Messages* buffer.
> My org-mode is Org-mode version 7.9.4.

Mine is: 

Org-mode version 8.1.2 (release_8.1.2 @


Summon the Mothership!

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