Julien Cubizolles wrote: > "Sebastien Vauban" <sva-n...@mygooglest.com> writes: >> Julien Cubizolles wrote: >>> org-src-fontify-natively doesn't fontify quoted LaTeX code like >>> >>> #+BEGIN_LaTeX >>> #+END_LaTeX >>> >>> the same as it does for LaTeX src blocks like >>> >>> #+BEGIN_SRC latex >>> #+END_SRC >>> >>> Why is that, and is there a way to get fontification for both ? >> >> Yes, you have different faces: `org-block-background' and face `org-block'. > > Do you mean that getting the BEGIN_LaTeX blocks to use org-block-background > would give all the pretty colors I have in BEGIN_SRC latex ?
No, you could just have the same color as the default (unfontified) from source blocks. I mean: fontified source blocks add extra text properties, such as "comment", "string", "type", etc. You could have the same default one, with the same background color, if that's what annoys you. But I'm not really sure to understand what you try to achieve. Could you be more explicit? Could you give a minimal example file? >> PS- Use `C-u C-x =' with point where you want to know which are the faces in >> question. Then, M-x customize-face... > > customize-face doesn't seem to offer me a way to choose a particular > "fontification scheme". I must be missing something here. With customize-face, you don't choose a "color theme" (that's more or less the right wording; even called "custom theme" now in Emacs 24, but more generic): you make your own color theme... To choose one color theme, you must first tell us whether you're on Emacs 23 or 24. Looking at http://orgmode.org/worg/color-themes-screenshot.html and at http://orgmode.org/worg/org-color-themes.html could help you as well implement the right choice for you. Best regards, Seb -- Sebastien Vauban