Xebar Saram <zelt...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi all and sorry about the complicated topic :)
> among the many many many things i use org for is to collect cooking recipes
> :)
> i have zero coding knowledge and my emacs understanding is limited :)
> what i basically wanted to ask is if anyone could show me a simple function
> (at least it seems like it should be simple ;-) to allow me to stand on a
> org heading (a single recipe) press a hotkey/issue a command and then have
> that header+content exported to pdf/html and emailed to a specific address
> so i can view it on my android tablet in kitchen while i cook :)
> is it to crazy?

You haven't said what version of org you are using.  Assuming you are up
to date, i.e. version 8, you can export a subtree to PDF by

   M-x org-export-dispatch RET C-s l p

you can then send the PDF to yourself however you wish.

Alternatively, if you use Emacs to send your emails, i.e. with
message-mode, the following two commands will do the job nicely, sending
an HTML message (not my choice normally):

M-x org-mime-subtree RET
M-x org-mime-htmlize RET
C-c C-c

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.1.1-17-gf76e8c

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