On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> wrote:
> Matt Price <mopto...@gmail.com> writes:
>> sorry, another question whose answer I'm having trouble finding in the
>> manual: is it possible to remove the text "Figure X: " from a caption
>> defined with
>> ? I'm just doing lecture slides, and the images are merely
>> illustrative, labelling them "Figure 1" is a bit grandiose.  Thanks
>> again!
> Depending on the output format that should be possible.  If LaTeX it
> should be enough to set some variable defining the label name and
> disable the counter.
> If HTML you could probably do it with a filter removing "[Ff]igure
> [1-9]+".

I'm not finding an org-export-filter-caption-function, and captions
aren't listed as a valid element type in section 12.13 of the manual.
I can just use CSS to hide the figure-number span that org generates,
but that seems a little clumsy (also interferes a bit with my pristine
install of deck.js... ).


> –Rasmus
> --
> Got mashed potatoes. Ain't got no T-Bone. No T-Bone

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