Hi List,

when mapping a parse tree with `org-element-map', this 

| (org-element-map tree iorg-all-types-no-text
|   (lambda (--elem)
|     (if (eq (org-element-type --elem) 'org-data) [...]

with `iorg-all-types-no-text' defined as 

| (defvar iorg-all-types-no-text
|   (append '(org-data) org-element-all-elements
|   org-element-all-objects)
|   "Types to be selected by `org-element-map'.")

does not work, although the parse-tree clearly starts with 

| (org-data nil (... ))

The returned mapped tree starts with the first (section (...)) element,
org-data is simply ignored and missing. 

How can I make `org-element-map' act on the 'org-data' element too?


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