John Hendy writes: > Could you elaborate on this? I'd always thought the exact opposite due > to being burned in the past by stale junk littered around /usr/lib, > /usr/bin, /usr/local/[bin/sbin]. Thus, for some things, I prefer to > run them from the git repository since I know where they'll be vs. > where `make install` might desire to put them.
Git provides and manages the source tree and nothing else. To get a reliable Org you need a self-consistent and complete installation — that is usually provided by the build system. The most logical place for that Org installation is site-lisp (since then load-path is already set up correctly), but you can install almost anywhere as long as you know where load-path is pointing to at all times. You could then have multiple versions of Org installed and use them for different instances or versiosn of Emacs (one at a time, obviously). > What happens, for example, in this situation: > - git clone > - make && make install You just need to "make install" and it's been that way for over two years now… > - some file.el gets moved from org.git/contrib/lisp to org.git/lisp in master > - git pull > - make && make install And this is what "make up2" is doing, plus testing so the install won't be attempted if the tests don't pass. > Are there now two copies of file.el somewhere in the system? No, unless you've changed the install location inbetween. If a file would be removed (or renamed), then you'd need to first issue a "make clean-install" to make sure it is really gone from your installation. > Anyway, if there's more to read on some of your situations, I'd love > to know as I've been doing exactly that and want to stop if it's > recommended against! Thanks for mentioning the potential risk, as I > had no idea! I'm not exactly sure what problem you are talking about, maybe you could clarify. In any case it seems there's been a mixup of different problems in this thread. Regards, Achim. -- +<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+ Factory and User Sound Singles for Waldorf rackAttack: